Murici0's Commissions

Status: OPEN


Sizes: bust, mid, fullbody
Rendering: lineart, flat, colors

Terms of Service

Price List

All prices are USD :: (each) additional character +$7,00 :: painted background +$7,00

/bust/headHalf bodyFull body
Lines/Tones$ 7$ 9$ 11
Flat colors$ 13$ 17$ 23
Full colors$ 25$ 34$ 45

Lineart/grayscale (white background)
Flat colors (white or one-colored background)
FULL colors (white or one-colored background)

terms of service


Clear and courteous communication: I do my best to make it so and expect of you the same. We may disagree on points, but should do so in a courteous manner.

As we (most likely) haven’t met or knew each other previously, probably won’t be familiar with the same aspirations, expectations and references. To get your commission closer to what you might envision, I need visual references. Clothes, weather, poses, movie scenes, whatever you might feel.

I might use your commission as portfolio and/or publicity on social media (or other media, who knows), but can also accept personal work with a 50% increase in the total order. Personal commissions will not be shared by me unless authorized by the client.

The lack of availability forbids me from accepting commissions on urgency (tightest deadlines).

I reserve myself the right to refuse a work theme that might make me uncomfortable.

Commissions with cession of commercial rights have a 300% increase. Even if not opted at the initial request time, may be negotiated later before it is used as.

Delivery estimates: 5 to 10 business days. From step 2 (defined lines) onwards, each change requested by client add a business day to deadline.


Commissions must be paid upfront. Higher than 50 USD, the payment can be divided in 50-50% (at ordering and delivering). In this last case, delivering will only happen after payment.

If by any reason, any of us decide to give up on the commission before delivery, I will refund your money.

Payments must be done via Paypal (international) or electronic transfer/Pix (Brazil).


After accepting your request, I will send you thumbnails of the process (WIP) periodically in this sequence (depends on the commission options):

1. sketch/layout → 2. defined lines → 3. flat colors (if so) → 4. lighting/shadow (if so) → 5. scenery (if so)

The WIPs will be sent on a jpeg/png format, low resolution.
The commission will be delivered on a 300dpi resolution.


The work commissioned will be crafted as close as possible to the references material and the description provided.

Changes in work must be related to the actual process step. E.g. will not change a pose (step 1) after final rendering lighting (step 4).


The commission is a custom-made digital artwork delivered to the client for personal use.

The artist (me) retains the commercial rights of the artwork, unless previously opted so (see cession of commercial rights paragraph).

The artist may use the works for self-promotion, digital or printed publications.

The client may use the artwork for personal use, such as printing, decoration, and application on personal objects, use as social networks’ avatar, etc.

The cession of use is void if:

  • the client reproduces or uses commercially the artwork (for financial gain);

  • the client claims authorship of the commissioned artwork;

  • the client removes a watermark or signature from the work;

  • the client alters the work without the artist's consent;

  • the client’s use of unearned commercial rights, even if not listed in these terms of service.

With the voided rights of use, the client waives all personal use rights of the commissioned work and is subject to legal sanctions.

Special conditions may apply if agreed upon BEFORE contracting the commission.